Thursday, December 10, 2009

That long?

Man I really need to start blogging more. I guess being busy with my children is what is making it difficult. LOL.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I have not blogged in forever again! Must be a busy person huh?

Well, I had to cash in my pennies to get some needed items for my kids, so I am starting again. In other news, here is a way to pinch pennies..rearrange your house..FREE. My husband did that last night and it looks better. Just needs to be picked up is all and it will look like a home!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Been awhile again...

Sometimes I am a good blog writer. Other days I am not. I have noticed that I have not written in a long time, so I think I will update now. LOL. Well, the change ordeal has been slow. I have found some pennies here and there, but other then that, not much to update. It is going to take quite awhile to save. Maybe if I went all over this big city, I could fill up some more of my bucket. I would, however, need a car, and I do not that have available. LOL. I guess I will just have to keep looking in spots that I do go to. I did however, this morning, found 2 pennies on my way to pick up a can of diet pepsi from the convience store down the street. I consider that good luck.

Random Items:

I am a Flybaby. Meaning, I follow the Flylady method when it comes to cleaning the house. Anyone can do it really. You can find information on or you can get the book "Sink Reflections" Check it out, you would be happy you did. You will be able to get house routines down, and still have time to do other things!!!!

The heat is really warm here now. It has been in the 80's but it is supposed to rain this week.

Our new little one is growing like a weed. 2 months old and already in 3-6 month clothing and size two diapers. Our 4 year old is going into 5T clothing right now, and is working hard at potty-training (her developmental delays had delayed this process)

Thanks for reading my blogs. You are more then welcome to leave a comment if you wish, but not nessecary. Have a great day!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Been almost a month?

I can't believe it! I guess when you are busy with a new baby, things change. All month I found a grand total of 3.00 on the ground in change. I guess we are blessed to be able to find that much! Alot of people have been picking up change left and right lately! :)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Been awhile

I have not updated in awhile. Since I last blogged, we have found a total of about 2.00 on the ground. Yesterday we found all the change just walking down our street! Someone wasted quite a few pennies and a couple of dimes.

Starting March 30, my blogs will be slowing a tad. Thats right..I am scheduled to have my baby on the 30th! :D I will be busy healing from my c-section and everything, but I will update whenever I can!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

No money found today...

Just was plain out of luck. There is always next time I am out! ;)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

So we changed our minds on our savings...

I was sitting and I was thinking about the money we have saved so far. Well, I figured it would take FOREVER for that vacation, so I started thinking about something else to save for. I started thinking of items in our house and I got to thinking about beds. So, I decided that we should save up for a new bed for hubby and I!

We have a bed right now, a California King. We got it off of craigslist for 50 dollars. We pretty much wore out the boxsprings. We sold the frame because we hated we had it on the floor. We lived in a apartment with mice. No good.. :(

So, I want a new bed, with a nice frame. It will take awhile, but I think it is a more realistic goal. I can't wait to be able to purchase a nice bed..with a comfy mattress..and sleep well. I also plan on getting a new bedset for it too. It will be great!!!!!!! I will have to argue with hubby on bedset. He likes his black, I like my colors. LOL. Then I want to reduce it to a queen size bed. The King we have barely fits in our small room.

I can't wait to save up for that! :)